pool party at Dorado Casitas Royal


A large group of wedding guests having fun in the pool at Dorado Casitas Royal, celebrating with drinks and smiles.
Tropical resort pool surrounded by palm trees with guests enjoying the water.
Man in straw hat enjoying a beverage at tropical beach resort.
Alicia and Sam, the bride and groom, laughing and enjoying themselves by the poolside with friends.
Guests playing a fun pool game, with a pink ball in mid-air, capturing the playful spirit of the event.
The bride in a stylish hat, chatting and laughing with guests around the pool.
Group of pool party guests celebrating at tropical beach resort.
Alicia dancing and having a great time with a friend in the pool, holding drinks and smiling.
Alicia and Sam kissing while holding drinks, standing beside a donkey at the pool party.
An inflatable green alien pool float leans against a shirtless person at a summer beach party.
A donkey adorned with festive green harness poses with vacationers under tropical palm trees.
A white donkey wearing a decorative green harness stands with beachgoers under palm trees.
Couple sharing drinks and having fun with a white donkey under palm trees at a beach party.
Partygoers enjoying tropical drinks next to a donkey under palm trees at a beach resort.
Alicia and Sam lying on a blanket, holding hands and enjoying the sun in their swimsuits, with a playful “Mrs. Margarita

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